Enter the date and time based on the local time on the client you are using to manage iLO.
The equivalent UTC value is displayed above the date and time you entered.
If you enter a
To value that occurs before the start time of an existing task, iLO prompts you to enter a different value.
The installation queue is a first-in, first-out list of tasks, and you cannot create a maintenance window that will expire
before an existing task will run.
6. Click Add.
The maintenance window is added.
Editing a maintenance window
Configure iLO Settings privilege
1. Click Firmware & OS Software in the navigation tree, and then click Maintenance Windows.
2. Click .
iLO prompts you to update the maintenance window information.
3. Update the maintenance window name in the Name box.
4. Update the description in the Description box.
5. Update the maintenance window start and end times in the From and To boxes.
a. Click in the From box.
A calendar is displayed.
b. Select a start date and time, and then click Done.
c. Click in the To box.
A calendar is displayed.
d. Select the end date and time, and then click Done.
Enter the date and time based on the local time on the client you are using to manage iLO.
The equivalent UTC value is displayed above the date and time you entered.
If you enter a
To value that occurs before the start time of an existing task, iLO prompts you to enter a different value.
The installation queue is a first-in, first-out list of tasks, and you cannot create a maintenance window that will expire
before an existing task will run.
6. Click OK.
The maintenance window is updated.
Removing a maintenance window
Configure iLO Settings privilege
Using HPE iLO 5