Slow Clock
If you have the preprocessor interface hooked up and running and
observe a slow clock or no activity from the interface board, the + 5 V
supply coming from the analyzer may not be getting to the interface
To check the + 5 V supply coming from the analyzer, disconnect one of
the logic analyzer cables from the HP E2444A and measure across pins
1 and 2 or pins 39 and 40 (see figure A-1).
If + 5 V isn’t observed across these pins, check the internal
preprocessor fuse or current limiting circuit on the logic analyzer.
For information on checking this fuse or circuit, refer to the
service manual for your logic analyzer.
If + 5 V is observed across these pins and you feel confident that
the + 5 V is getting to the preprocessor interface, contact your
nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales/Service Office for information on
servicing the board.
"No Configuration
File Loaded"
Verify that the appropriate module has been selected from the Load
{module} from File {filename} in the HP 16500A/B disk operation
menu. Selecting Load {All} will cause incorrect operation when
loading most preprocessor interface configuration files.
"Selected File is
The logic analyzer displays this message if you try to load a
configuration file for the wrong module. Ensure that you are loading
the appropriate configuration file for your logic analyzer.
Figure A-1. Pinout of the Logic Analyzer Cable
HP E2444A
80386DX/DXL Preprocessor Interface