The HP E2444A Preprocessor Interface consists of the following
The preprocessor interface hardware, which includes the
preprocessor interface circuit card and cable assembly.
The inverse assembly software on a 3.5-inch disk.
This user’s guide.
The preprocessor interface socket assembly pins are covered at the
time of shipment with either a conductive foam wafer or a conductive
plastic pin protector. This is done to protect the delicate gold-plated
pins of the assembly from damage due to impact. When you’re not
using the preprocessor interface, protect the socket assembly pins from
damage by covering them with the foam or plastic pin protector.
The minimum hardware required for analysis of an 80386DX/DXL
target system consists of the following equipment:
An HP 1650A, HP 1650B, HP 1652B, HP 1660A/61A,
HP 16510A, HP 16510B, HP 16511B, HP 16540A,D with two
HP 16541A,D Expansion Cards, HP 16542A (Master Card
and four expansion cards), or HP 16550A.
The 80386DX/DXL Preprocessor Interface and Inverse
Assembler (HP E2444A).
Setting Up the HP E2444A
HP E2444A
80386DX/DXL Preprocessor Interface