The following procedure describes the major steps required to perform
measurements with the HP E2444A Preprocessor Interface. The page
numbers listed in the various steps refer you to sections in the manual
that offer more detailed information.
To prevent equipment damage, remove the power from both the logic
analyzer and the target system whenever the preprocessor interface or
microprocessor is being connected or disconnected.
1. Ensure the State/Timing jumper is configured appropriately for
state or timing analysis (see page 1-4).
2. Connect the 80386DX/DXL preprocessor interface to the target
system (see page 1-6).
3. Plug the logic analyzer cables into the preprocessor interface
pods as listed in table 1-1 (see page 1-7).
4. Load the logic analyzer configuration and inverse assembler for
the specified logic analyzer (see page 1-11).
5. For timing analysis, select the configuration menu of the logic
analyzer and select Timing as the analyzer "Type" (see page 2-20).
HP E2444A
Setting Up the HP E2444A
80386DX/DXL Preprocessor Interface