Connecting to
the Target
The following steps explain how to connect the HP E2444A
Preprocessor Interface to your target system:
To prevent equipment damage, be sure to remove power from both the
logic analyzer and the target system whenever the preprocessor
interface or microprocessor is being connected or disconnected.
1. Remove the 80386 microprocessor from its socket on the target
system and store it in a protected environment.
Serious damage to the target system or preprocessor interface can
result from incorrect connection. Note the position of pin A1 (figure
1-1) on the preprocessor interface connector and the target system
socket prior to inserting the connector in the socket. Also, take care to
align the preprocessor interface connector with the socket on the target
system so that all microprocessor pins are making contact.
2. Plug the preprocessor interface connector into the
microprocessor socket on the target system.
If the preprocessor interface connector interferes with components of
the target system or if a higher profile is required, additional plastic pin
protectors/extenders can be added. Plastic pin protectors/extenders
can be ordered from Hewlett-Packard using the part number
1200-1605. However, any 132-pin PGA IC socket with an 80386
footprint and gold-plated pins can be used.
3. Plug the 80386 microprocessor into the socket on the
preprocessor interface board. The socket on the preprocessor
interface board is designed with low-insertion-force pins to allow
you to install or remove the microprocessor with minimum force.
4. Apply power to the logic analyzer first, and then to your target
system. The logic analyzer must be powered up first, since it
supplies power to the preprocessor interface.
Setting Up the HP E2444A
HP E2444A
80386DX/DXL Preprocessor Interface