Installing IRF member switches
To install IRF member switches:
Step Reference
Prepare the installation site
Chapter 2 “Preparing for installation”
Mount the IRF member switches to racks
Chapter 3 “Installing the switch”
Install modules on IRF member switches
Chapter 4 “Installing modules”
Configuring basic IRF settings
After you install the IRF member switches, power on the switches, and log in to each IRF member switch
(see the chapter “Connecting your switch to the network”) to configure their member IDs, member
priorities, and IRF port bindings.
Follow these guidelines when you configure the switches:
You must first configure the member IDs, member priorities, and IRF port bindings for the IRF
member switches, save the configuration, connect the member switches, and change the operating
mode of the switches to IRF mode.
Assign the master switch higher member priority than any other switch.
Bind physical ports to IRF port 1 on one switch and to IRF port 2 on the other switch.
Execute the
display irf configuration
command to verify the basic IRF settings.
For more information about configuring basic IRF settings, see
HP A10500 Switch Series IRF
Configuration Guide
Connecting the physical IRF ports
Connect the physical IRF ports of switches.
Use XFP transceiver modules and fibers to connect 10-Gigabit XFP ports.
You can use SFP+ transceiver modules and fibers to connect 10-Gigabit SFP+ ports over a long or
short distance, and use SFP+ cables to connect 10-Gigabit SFP+ ports over a relatively short
For more information about installing transceiver modules, see the chapter “Installing modules.” For more
information about connecting fibers, see the chapter “Connecting your switch to the network.”
The transceiver modules at the two ends of an IRF link must be the same type.
When connecting XFP or SFP+ ports, connect the transmit port of a XFP or SFP+ transceiver module at
one end to the receive port of a XFP or SFP+ transceiver module at the other end.