[PE1-bgp] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-vpn1] peer 2001:1::1 as-number 65410
[PE1-bgp-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-ipv6-vpn1] peer 2001:1::1 enable
[PE1-bgp-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp] ip vpn-instance vpn2
[PE1-bgp-vpn2] peer 2001:2::1 as-number 65420
[PE1-bgp-vpn2] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-ipv6-vpn2] peer 2001:2::1 enable
[PE1-bgp-ipv6-vpn2] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-ipv6-vpn2] quit
[PE1-bgp-vpn2] quit
[PE1-bgp] quit
# Configure PE 2 in the same way that PE 1 is configured. (Details not shown.)
# Execute the
display bgp peer ipv6 vpn-instance
command on the PEs to verify that a BGP peer
relationship in Established state has been established between a PE and a CE. (Details not shown.)
Configure an MP-IBGP peer relationship between the PEs:
# Configure PE 1.
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp] peer as-number 100
[PE1-bgp] peer connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp] address-family vpnv6
[PE1-bgp-af-vpnv6] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-af-vpnv6] quit
[PE1-bgp] quit
# Configure PE 2.
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp] peer as-number 100
[PE2-bgp] peer connect-interface loopback 0
[PE2-bgp] address-family vpnv6
[PE2-bgp-af-vpnv6] peer enable
[PE2-bgp-af-vpnv6] quit
[PE2-bgp] quit
# Execute the
display bgp peer vpnv6
command on the PEs to verify that a BGP peer relationship
in Established state has been established between the PEs. (Details not shown.)
Verifying the configuration
# Execute the
display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance
command on the PEs.
[PE1] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Destinations : 6 Routes : 6
Destination: ::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0