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The appliance makes too much noise.
The gas refrigerant produces a slight noise even when
the compressor is not running (this is not a defect).
Have you checked whether:
The refrigerator is level.
The appliance was installed between cabinets or
objects that vibrate and make noise.
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate
or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre
and inform them of: the type of problem, the
abbreviation of the model name (Mod.) and the relative
numbers (S/N) written on the rating plate located at the
bottom left next to the vegetable crisper (see examples
in the figures below).
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always
refuse spare parts, which are not originals.
Green LED does not light up
Have you checked whether:
The main switch for the power supply to the apartment
or home has been turned off;
The plug is properly inserted in the outlet;
The outlet is adequate; try inserting the plug into another
outlet in the room.
The refrigerator and the freezer do not cool
Have you checked whether:
The doors do not close well or the seals are faulty;
The doors are left open too long;
The thermostat knob is not on the proper setting;
The refrigerator or freezer is overfilled.
The food in the refrigerator becomes too cold.
Have you checked whether:
The thermostat knob is on the proper setting;
The motor runs continuously.
Have you checked whether
The doors are not closed well or have remained open
too long;
The ambient temperature is too high;
The thermostat knob is not on the proper setting.
Ðàñïîëîæåíèå è ïîäñîåäèíåíèå
If the appliance does not work, before calling for Service cente
r (
see Service certificate
check for a solution from the following list.
If the appliance does not work, before calling for Service center
(see Service certificate),
check for a solution from the following list.
Green LED does not light up.
Have you checked whether:
The main switch for the power supply to the
apartment or home has been turned off;
The plug is properly inserted in the outlet;
The outlet is adequate; try inserting the plug into
another outlet in the room.
The refrigerator and the freezer do not cool
Have you checked whether:
The doors do not close well or the seals are faulty;
The doors are left open too long;
The thermostat knob is not on the proper setting;
The refrigerator or freezer is overfilled.
The food in the refrigerator becomes too cold.
Have you checked whether:
The thermostat knob is on the proper setting.
The motor runs continuously.
Have you checked whether:
The doors are not closed well or have remained
open too long;
The ambient temperature is too high;
The thermostat knob is not on the proper setting.
The appliance makes too much noise.
Have you checked whether:
The refrigerator is level.
The appliance was installed between cabinets or
objects that vibrate and make noise.
– the refrigerant cycling inside the cooling system
can emit low gurgling even when the compressor is
off. Don’t worry, it’s absolutely normal;
– work of the FNF cooling system fan.
During cooling process the noise can be heard
that is caused by work of the highpowered fan.
It’s normal, and the refrigerator complies with the
specified characteristics completely.
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not
operate or the problem persists, call the nearest
Service Centre and inform them of: the type of
problem, the abbreviation of the model name (Mod.)
and the relative numbers (S/N) written on the rating
plate located at the bottom left next to the vegetable
crisper (see examples in the figures below).
Never call on unauthorized technicians and
always refuse spare parts, which are not
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