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Holding Pattern Mode With Airfield Virtual Fence Active
Holding Pattern Mode
Holding Pattern (HP) Mode
As a safety precaution, Holding Pattern mode will not function
when your aircraft is below an altitude of approximately 20 ft (6m).
Anytime the aircraft seems too far away, press and release the HP/AL (Bind)
button on the transmitter.
• The aircraft will maneuver to an altitude of approximately 120 feet (36m)
and begin to fly a circular pattern over the home location.
• If Airfield Virtual Fence mode is active, the aircraft will fly to approximately
120 ft (36m) altitude and fly a circular pattern about 100 ft (30m) in front of
the home location.
• The aircraft flies fully autonomously when HP mode is active. The
transmitter sticks have no control.
• To deactivate HP mode and regain control, press and release the HP/AL
button again or change flight modes.
When the HP feature is activated, the aircraft should immediately
respond to the command. If the aircraft does not respond immediately, GPS
signal may have been lost. In this case, the aircraft will have to be flown back
to the home location manually.
Failsafe and GPS
If the aircraft loses radio connection while the SAFE GPS module is operating,
the aircraft will activate Holding Pattern mode until it re-establishes radio
connection. If radio connection is not regained, the aircraft will land near the
takeoff location as in AutoLand mode.
If radio connection is lost while the aircraft is already in Holding Pattern mode,
the aircraft will circle for approximately 35 seconds and then set up to land as
in AutoLand mode.
Deactivating GPS in Flight
If GPS is deactivated in flight, the Virtual Fence, Hold Position and
AutoLand modes will not function. The pilot will have to manually fly the aircraft
back to a safe landing.
If for any reason you wish to deactivate the GPS system while the aircraft is
airborne, such as if the GPS system is not calibrated correctly or is not responding
as expected, follow the directions below to regain full manual control.
To deactivate the GPS in flight:
1. Press and hold the HP/AL (bind) button and fully cycle the flight mode switch
three times. The rudder will wag to indicate GPS is deactivated.
2. Set the flight mode switch to Beginner mode (switch B, position 0) for SAFE
technology benefits.
The GPS system will remain off until the aircraft is landed and power cycled off
and back on again.