Carbon Cub S 2 1.3m
The Carbon Cub S 2 is upgradable with the addition of the optional LAS module
(SPMA3180, not included). This allows the advanced SAFE features to be
combined with a Landing Assist Sensor (LAS) for smooth, gentle landings.
For best results when using the LAS, land on grass or a light
colored surface, (e.g., light colored concrete). Black surfaces or water generally
do not have enough reflection for the sensor to receive accurate readings.
Installation of the LAS Module
1. Remove the wing to gain access to the flight controller compartment.
2. Lay the fuselage upside down on a flat surface.
3. Press the factory installed LAS pocket cover to release it. Remove the cover
from the LAS pocket. Save the plug for flights without the LAS module.
4. Align the LAS module with the connector wires facing the back of the
aircraft. Feed the LAS module connector through the channel in the base of
the pocket.
5. Place the LAS module in the pocket and press until it clicks in place.
6. Place the aircraft upright on its landing gear and connect the LAS connector
Port 7
of the flight controller. For correct polarity of the plug ensure that
the orange signal wire
is facing towards the front of the aircraft when
plugged into the flight controller.
LED Indicator
When the LAS module is installed the aircraft’s LED indicator for Beginner and
Intermediate flight modes will be followed with a purple flash to indicate that
the LAS System is active.
Landing with LAS
The LAS is functional in all SAFE flight modes except Experienced
mode. When the flight mode is switched to Experienced mode the LAS is
deactivated and will provide no assistance with landing.
To land the aircraft using the LAS:
1. Set the flight mode to Beginner or Intermediate (switch B, position 0 or 1).
2. Fly a normal approach to the runway, as described in the Flying section.
Installation of the LAS module does not provide AutoLand
capability. The aircraft must be guided and aligned with the runway manually
for landing.
3. When approaching the runway reduce the throttle, keeping the wings level
and slowly reducing the altitude of the aircraft.
4. When the aircraft reaches an altitude of roughly 1m, the LAS will level the
aircraft, manage the throttle, and then flare the aircraft for touchdown.
LAS with GPS
With GPS installed, LAS will assist the AutoLand mode during landing of
the aircraft. When the aircraft’s landing approach reaches an altitude of
approximately 1m the LAS will level the aircraft, manage the throttle and then
flare the aircraft for touchdown.
If the speed of aircraft is too fast for landing or above 20% throttle setting,
LAS is not effective.
LAS is not active in Experienced mode.
Optional Landing Assist Sensor (LAS) Upgrade