Do not use a compressed air source (ex.: air compressor) to inflate the boat. Over inflation
may cause the seams and/or walls themselves to rupture.
• Carefully clean the assembly area floor or surface and remove all sharp or pointed objects.
• In case of use at high altitude: if the boat was initially inflated at sea level, then transported to a higher altitude (mountain lake,
for example), the pressure inside the chambers will have increased. Adjust the pressure before boating.
• Check the inflation pressure using the pressure gauge supplied with your boat prior to each use.
• Check tightness of valve regularly with the tool provided.
MODELS T20SE, T25SE (slatted flooring):
1. Unfold the boat on a flat, clean surface.
2. Check that the valves [1] are in place. Check that they all have their cap [2] held by a retainer [3].
3. First use: using the foot pump supplied with your boat, inflate the tubes completely, being careful to balance the pressure be-
tween the various chambers. Once fully inflated, deflate the chambers half way by pressing the yellow push-button [4] at the
centre of each valve.
Subsequent uses: using the foot pump supplied with your boat, inflate the chambers to half their capacity.
4. Install the bench [5].