It is strongly recommended not to change this setting
Auto Learn If enabled (default), the project is automatically deleted and learned from the controller when a
discovered controller is added to the database. If disabled, the project is kept and learning from the controller is not
executed (see “Learning from Controller” section p. 74)
Inconsistent Program Check If true (default), software checks the application for inconsistencies and shows a
message if this is the case. Inconsistencies may occur if you have moved/copied the application to an external
location, e.g. to the palette, changed it there and then include it again
NOTE: Copying and pasting parts of an application from an external location such another controller does not
generate inconsistencies in the application.
Assignment of Unique Device IDs
Depending on the requirements/scenarios (online at the site, offline in the office) new IRM controllers need to be
engineered by using or by NOT using the service pin button.
Offline Mode (service pin not accessible)
Create a device (controller) by entering the device name and the serial number for the controller (use a barcode scanner
software if available or enter the data manually). Do this for all controllers.
Discover the controllers. This will list all offline devices.