ZX Fire Alarm Control Panels
Commissioning Manual
Document No. 996-175-000-1, Revision 01
Page 57
16.3.4 Fault Signals from points:
The control panel can receive & process fault signals from points, under these conditions the faults
are indicated as zone faults.
16.3.5 Disablement of addressable points:
The control panel has the facility to disable / enable signals from addressable points at User Level 2,
either individually or by complete zones.
Each device disabled in this manner is identified at User Level 1 and zone disablement’s are only
indicated as such, when all devices within that zone are disabled.
With regard to network disablement / enablement of relays, sounders, zones and devices
(addressable points), refer to Section 16.3.7 below.
16.3.6 Test Condition:
A test facility exists, in which the user, at User Level 2, can test the operation of fire alarm detectors.
When testing the fire alarm system in this manner, the following conditions apply:
1. The control panel is in a test condition and indicates such, when one or more zones are in test.
2. The test mode can only be entered or cancelled by manual operation at User Levels 2 or 3
3. It is possible to test the operation of each zone on an individual basis.
4. Zones in a test state do not prevent the mandatory indications or outputs from zones, which are not in
a test state.
5. Signals from a zone under test do not lead to the operation of outputs to fire alarm devices, except for
short periods, during which the devices’ function can be tested in relation to the zone under test.
16.3.7 Network Disablement / Enablement
Disablement information is provided on the LCD display for relays, sounders, zones and devices
(addressable points).
If the disablement is subsequently removed (re-enabled) the indication is removed automatically from
the display (Version 818 onwards).
It is recommended that all such disable/ enable operations on a networked system be performed from
the network Master panel.
16.4 Printer Set-Up Options
The Printer ‘Set-up’ allows the panel to be configured for the type of printer connected.
A Level 3 password must be entered before access to the printer set-up function is given.
Refer to the FACP User Manual for further information on the use and operation of the printer.
The default printer type code (2) is displayed on the printer set-up screen. To change the value, either
press NO or CHANGE and then enter the required number.
The following table lists the settings for each available printer type.
Part Number
Compact Internal 1200 bps ink-ribbon printer
(ZX5Se & ZX10Se)
PC Print Capture Software
Boxed Local / Remote 9600 bps thermal printer
The Local or Remote Boxed Printer (Type 3) provides additional options to selectively print only certain
types of message. Refer to the Installation Instructions supplied with the printer for further information.