Rev. 1.71
April 11, 2017
Rev. 1.71
April 11, 2017
Cost-Effective A/D Flash MCU with EEPROM
Cost-Effective A/D Flash MCU with EEPROM
External Interrupt
The external interrupt is controlled by signal transitions on the pins INT and INT0~INT1. An
external interrupt request will take place when the external interrupt request flag, INTnF, is set,
which will occur when a transition, whose type is chosen by the edge select bits, appears on the
external interrupt pin. To allow the program to branch to the interrupt vector address, the global
interrupt enable bit, EMI, and the external interrupt enable bit, INTnE, must first be set. Additionally
the correct interrupt edge type must be selected using the INTEG register to enable the external
interrupt function and to choose the trigger edge type. As the external interrupt pins are pin-shared
with I/O pins, they can only be configured as external interrupt pins by setting the pin-shared
registers. The pin must also be setup as an input by setting the corresponding bit in the port control
register. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not full and the correct transition type appears
on the external interrupt pin, a subroutine call to the external interrupt vector, will take place. When
the interrupt is serviced, the external interrupt request flag, INTnF, will be automatically reset
and the EMI bit will be automatically cleared to disable other interrupts. Note that the pull-high
resistor selection on the external interrupt pin will remain valid even if the pin is used as an external
interrupt input.
The INTEG register is used to select the type of active edge that will trigger the external interrupt.
A choice of either rising or falling or both edge types can be chosen to trigger an external interrupt.
Note that the INTEG register can also be used to disable the external interrupt function.
Multi-function Interrupt
Within these devices there are up to two Multi-function interrupts. Unlike the other independent
interrupts, these interrupts have no independent source, but rather are formed from other existing
interrupt sources, namely the TM Interrupts.
A Multi-function interrupt request will take place when any of the Multi-function interrupt request
flags, MF0
~MF1F are set. The Multi-function interrupt flags will be set when any of their included
functions generate an interrupt request flag. To allow the program to branch to its respective interrupt
vector address, when the Multi-function interrupt is enabled and the stack is not full, and either one
of the interrupts contained within each of Multi-function interrupt occurs, a subroutine call to one of
the Multi-function interrupt vectors will take place. When the interrupt is serviced, the related Multi-
Function request flag, will be automatically reset and the EMI bit will be automatically cleared to
disable other interrupts.
However, it must be noted that, although the Multi-function Interrupt flags will be automatically
reset when the interrupt is serviced, the request flags from the original source of the Multi-function
interrupts, namely the TM Interrupts, will not be automatically reset and must be manually reset by
the application program.
A/D Converter Interrupt
The devices contain an A/D converter which has its own independent interrupt. The A/D Converter
Interrupt is controlled by the termination of an A/D conversion process. An A/D Converter Interrupt
request will take place when the A/D Converter Interrupt request flag, ADF, is set, which occurs
when the A/D conversion process finishes. To allow the program to branch to its respective interrupt
vector address, the global interrupt enable bit, EMI, and A/D Interrupt enable bit, ADE, must first be
set. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not full and the A/D conversion process has ended, a
subroutine call to the A/D Converter Interrupt vector, will take place. When the interrupt is serviced,
the A/D Converter Interrupt flag, ADF, will be automatically cleared. The EMI bit will also be
automatically cleared to disable other interrupts.