The gas pressure regulator provided with
this appliance must be used.This regulator is
set for an outlet pressure of 11 inches water
column. Substitution of regulator by any
other device or any other manufacturer's
regulator is dangerous and could result in
serious injury.
(See the parts list for replace-
ment items.)
PROPANE FUEL: Warning -- propane is a
flammable gas and improper handling may
result in explosion and/or fire and serious
accident or injury.Your grill is designed to
operate on LP gas and is equipped with the
proper orifice for this gas.
connect this grill to any gas supply except
propane or natural gas.
Propane gas is
heavier than air and will settle in low areas.
Make certain adequate ventilation is avail-
able when using your grill and that the gas
cylinder is stored outside in a well ventilat-
ed place out of reach of children when the
grill is not in use.
LP GAS CYLINDER: This grill is designed and
intended to be used with an LP gas cylinder
with a nominal LP gas capacity of 20
pounds. Such a cylinder is approximately 12-
3/8" in diameter with an overall height of
18-1/16".The Holland Grill does not come
with an LP gas cylinder.This must be pur-
chased separately and is available at most
hardware stores.The cylinder used must be
constructed and marked in accordance with
the specifications for LP gas cylinders of the
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
(4BA-240) and the National Standard of
Canada CAN/CSA-B339, cylinders, spheres,
and tubes for the transportation of danger-
ous goods. Only a cylinder equipped with
an overfill protection device (OPD) should
be used.
THE LP GAS CYLINDER shall be used only
outdoors in a well ventilated space and not
in a building, garage, or any other enclosed
area.The LP gas cylinder is designed to be
used, stored, and transported in the upright
position.The Holland Grill may be stored
indoors if the LP gas cylinder is removed
and stored outdoors. NEVER turn the cylin-
der upside down or on its side.Always trans-
port, store and use your cylinder in the
upright position.
The cylinder must be provided with a
Sherwood valve, part #PV3349, which will
connect with (quick connect) the QCC-1
Fitting provided on each of our LP
(propane) grills. Must also have a safety
relief device having a direct communication
with the vapor space of the cylinder.The
cylinder supply system must be arranged for
vapor withdraw.The cylinder shall include a
collar to protect the cylinder valve.The grill
must be connected to the gas supply by a
DO NOT transport a full or empty gas
cylinder in a closed automobile trunk or
in a closed passenger area.
Filling the gas cylinder requires removing it
from the grill.The cylinder is attached to the
grill by connecting the regulator assembly to
the inlet portion of the gas cylinder valve.
This connection is made by the QCC-1 fit-
ting pictured in Figure 1-A.The large plastic
nut fits on the outside of the threads and
turns right, or clockwise to tighten. No tools
are necessary. Hand tight is sufficient. If a
good connection is not achieved, the safety
valve inside will not permit the proper
amount of gas to flow.When connecting the
regulator to the cylinder valve, be sure the
pressure relief valve is directed away from
the front and away from the grill. If the relief
valve should open, the propane will be
directed where it is likely to do the least
harm.To disconnect regulator assembly turn
large plastic nut left or counter-clockwise.
When disconnecting and connecting the gas
cylinder, be careful that the regulator assem-
bly does not strike the grill, the ground, or
any other surface. If any difficulty at all is
had in connecting or disconnecting the reg-
ulator assembly to the cylinder valve, con-
tact your local gas supplier for assistance.
When disconnected from the cylinder, a
valve cap must be installed.
(See figure 1-A.)
Failure to install a valve cap when the cylin-
der is disconnected from the fuel system is
dangerous and may result in accident or
When reconnecting the LP gas cylinder, be
sure to tighten the fitting until snug.This
connection, as well as all other fittings and
connections between the cylinder and burn-
er valve, should be inspected for damage
and leak tested after every filling or recon-
(See lighting instructions,
Figure 8.)
Keep any electrical supply cord and fuel
supply hose away from any heated surface.
NATURAL GAS: If natural gas is used, con-
tact your local supplier to set it up properly.
The N.G. Holland Grill is set to operate at 7
inches water column pressure, using an ori-
fice with a #48 drill size. If your grill seems
too hot, first call your local gas company to
determine what pressure you have. Never
allow anyone to change orifice size without
authorization from factory.
Spark Ignitor:
This grill is equipped with a rotary Piezo
ignitor system. A simple Clockwise rotation
of the ignitor knob produces a spark at the
burner head, lighting the burner. To check
that the spark ignitor is working properly,
leave gas supply turned OFF and observe
the spark by looking through the peep hole
above the control panel or from below the
control panel to the left side of the burner
in the burner opening. A small blue spark
should be visible at the left side of the burn-
er head every time the ignitor “fires”. A loud
“hammer” like sound is produced by the
mechanism when sparking.