Detergents should never be used on a regular or repeated basis for normal cleaning.
Powdered cleansers containing abrasives, steel wool and industrial strength cleaners are not
recommended for Morbern vinyl.
Bird Excreta & Vomit Stains:
Sponge the area with soapy water containing a diluted bleach until the stain is
removed. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Urine Stains:
Sponge with soapy water containing a small amount of household ammonia. Rinse thoroughly
with clean water.
Surface Mildew:
Wash with diluted bleach and use a soft brush for stubborn growth. Rinse repeatedly with
clear, cold water.
Ballpoint Ink:
Permanent Marker Ink spots will stain the vinyl permanently. Wipe the stain immediately with
rubbing alcohol in a well ventilated area to remove much of the stain.
Oil-Base Paint:
Use turpentine in a well ventilated area to remove any fresh paint. Dried paint must be
moistened using a semi-solid, gel-type stripper. The softened paint can be gently scraped away. Rinse with soap
and water.
Lacquer solvent will cause immediate irreparable damage to the vinyl. Do not use wax on any vinyl
upholstery as it will cause premature embrittlement and cracking. Dilute chlorine bleach before using.
Never use full strength bleach.
Paint strippers will remove the print pattern and damage the vinyl if it comes in direct contact.
If flammable solvents such as alcohol, turpentine or varsol are used for cleaning, use only small
quantities while in a well-ventilated area. Exercise proper caution by notifying any persons in the
area. Keep away from any ignition source. Always wear protective gloves.
Latex Paint:
Fresh paint can be wiped off with a damp cloth. Hot soapy water will normally remove dried
Tar or Asphalt:
Remove immediately. Prolonged contact will result in a permanent stain. Use a cloth lightly
dampened with mineral spirits and rub the stain gently, working from the outer edge of the stain toward the
center to prevent spreading. Rinse with soap and water.
Crayon, Mustard or Ketchup:
Sponge with mild soap and water. For stubborn stains that may have set, use a
cloth soaked in diluted mild detergent with gentle rubbing. Any remaining stain should be washed with diluted
bleach. Rinse repeatedly with cold water.
Chewing Gum:
Scrape off as much gum as possible using a dull knife. Rub the gum with an ice cube to harden
and make it easier to remove. In a well ventilated area, use a cloth saturated with mineral spirits and gently rub
the remaining gum. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Lipstick, Grease, Oil, Make-Up or Shoe Polish:
Apply a small amount of mineral spirits with a cloth.
Rub gently. Be careful not to spread the stain by smearing beyond its original source. Remove shoe polish
immediately as it contains a dye which will cause permanent staining. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Candy, Ice Cream, Coffee, Tea, Fruit Stains, Liquor, Wine, Tanning Lotion or Soft Drinks:
Use lukewarm
water and sponge repeatedly. Any loose material should be gently scraped with a dull knife. Any soiled area
that remains after drying should be gently rubbed with a cloth, dampened with a mild detergent solution. Rinse
thoroughly with clean water.
Blood or Plant Residue:
Rub out any spots with a clean cloth soaked in cool water. If stubborn spots remain
use household ammonia and rinse repeatedly with a clean, wet cloth. Do not use hot water or soap suds as this
will set the stain.