Flushing the Toilet:
To add water to the toilet before using, press and hold the pedal halfway until the
desired water level is reached. Generally, more water is required only when flushing
To flush the toilet, push the lever all the way down until the sewage leaves the toilet.
Holding flush lever down longer than necessary results in excessive water usuage.
Do not dispose of sanitary supplies or other non-dissolving items into the toilet.
Troubleshooting - Leaks:
Leak from back of the toilet: Check the water supply line connection.
Leaks in the vacuum breaker when the toilet is flushed: Vacuum breaker needs repair or replacement.
Vacuum breaker leaks without the toilet being flushed may require a new water valve.
Leaks between closet flange and toilet: Check screws for tightness. If leak continues, remove toilet and
check flange height. Adjust, if necessary. Replace the flange seal if damaged.
Difficult hand lever operations require a light film of silicone spray on the blade.
Poor flush: A good flush is obtained within two or three seconds. If problems persist, remove the water
supply line and check flow rate. The flow rate should be at least 10 quarts (9.5 liters) per minute.
Spray must be silicone. A hydrocarbon based spray will damage the seal and other surfaces in
the toilet. Petroleum based lubricants must also be avoided as they cause the seals to swell and
deteriorate faster.
The toilet should be cleaned regularly for maximum sanitation and operational efficiency. Clean the toilet bowl
with a mild bathroom cleanser. Do not use chlorine or caustic chemicals, such as drain opening types, as they will
damage the seals. Clean out the system by flushing several gallons of fresh water through with one cup of dry,
powdered laundry detergent. Add odor control deodorant, in the amount specified for the holding tank capacity,
after cleaning and every few days during use.
To find leaks, check behind or under toilet. Take four or five sheets of toilet tissue and wipe all the seams and
water line connections. Start at the top of the unit and work downward. When the tissue comes in contact with
leaking water it will immediately change texture.
If the motorhome is in storage for six months, it is a good idea to spray silicone on the toilet valve and
work it back and forth. Perform this maintenance monthly (silicone will evaporate in about 30 days).
Back of toilet: Check water supply line connection.
Between closet flange and toilet: Check screws for tightness. If leak continues, remove toilet and check
flange height. Adjust if necessary. Replace flange seal if damaged.
Poor flush: A good flush should be obtained within two to three seconds. If problem persists remove the
water supply line and check flow rate. The flow rate should be at least
ten quarts (9.5 liters) per minute.
Bowl will not hold water: Check for foreign material in valve blade groove in the flush drain.