Wheel Covers
Clean the wheel covers frequently with high pressure water from a hose using a
mild detergent. Do not use harsh alkalis, alcohol or acidic cleansers. A secondary
hand washing with a soft cloth may be required to remove stubborn road grime.
To remove the wheel covers from the wheel for a thorough cleaning use the
special tool that was included with the motorhome. Each wheel cover is secured
by four lug covers identified by indent or notch markings. Remove wheel covers
to clean and inspect tires and rims.
Remove dirt, corrosion or any foreign material from the tire side of the rim
using a wire brush. Do not use a wire brush or other abrasive substances to
remove dirt and corrosion from the wheel covers. To maintain the original
appearance of the wheel covers the following procedures are recommended:
1. After installing new wheels (prior to operating the motorhome) use a
sponge, cloth or soft fiber brush to wash the exposed wheel surfaces with a mild detergent/warm water
2. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
3. Wipe dry to avoid water spots.
4. Use a high quality, non-abrasive polish to remove stubborn road tars, insects or hard to remove deposits.
5. To protect the surface appearance on wheel covers, wax the cleaned surface with a high quality car wax.
6. Clean the wheel covers frequently to maintain their appearance.
exterIor maIntenance
The motorhome is subject to a great deal of outside conditions. While the coach is parked it is exposed to
extreme temperatures, humidity, ultraviolet rays, acid rain and other organic environmental conditions. While
in operation the coach is subject to twisting and flexing caused by (for example) going in and out of driveways,
bouncing through potholes and driving through winding mountain roads.
Inspect the fiberglass exterior. Periodic inspections may reveal minute cracks in the surface commonly called
“spider cracks” or “hairline cracks” caused by the flexing of the fiberglass exterior. These are normal. If a crack
represents a threat to the integrity of the fiberglass, the weave of the cloth is visible. If the exterior has been
damaged, prevent moisture penetration, especially in freezing climates. Cover the area as quickly as possible. Use
plastic sheeting and tape, if necessary, so that moisture will not get into the motorhome and damage the interior.
Roof Care & Seal Inspections
Periodic resealing of the joints and seams is necessary to prevent the entrance of moisture into the motorhome.
Enough emphasis cannot be placed on this issue. Extreme damage from a water leak can occur rapidly. Never
leave the vehicle unattended with the slide room extended. If the vehicle is stored outside throughout the winter
months, perform a full interior inspection for water leaks twice a month. Check behind all cabinets and drawers.
Extensive sealing is done at the factory; however, the normal twisting and flexing that occurs while traveling may
have compromised a seal or seam.
All joints and seams at least twice a year and recaulk as necessary.
Special attention should be directed toward the roof air conditioning seals, ceiling and plumbing vents,
skylights, roof mounted antennas, windows, door molding, clearance lights and the beltline molding. Specific
sealant products should be used in the areas for which they are designed. These items can be obtained from
motorhome parts suppliers. Listed below are some of the more common sealants and the areas in which they are
used. Approved sealants are available at service centers and authorized dealers.
Typical Wheel Cover