V125T/July 2020/V1.1
Trouble shooting
Magnet and motor do not function - The machine is not connected to the power supply
- Damaged or defective wiring
- Defective fuse
- Defective magnet switch
- Defective power supply
Magnet does function, the motor
does not work
- Damaged or defective wiring
- Carbon brushes are stuck or worn out
- Defective magnet switch
- Defective On / Off switch
- Defective armature and/or field
Magnet does not function, the
motor does
- Defective magnet
- Defective wiring of magnet
Annular cutters break quickly,
holes are bigger than the hole
- Excessive clearance in the Slide
- Bent spindle
- Bent Arbor
Motor running roughly and/or
seizing up
- Worn bearings
- Worn transfer gear
Motor making a rattling sound
- Gear(s) worn out
- No grease in gear box
Motor humming, big sparks and
motor has no force
- Armature damaged (burned out)
- Field coil damaged (burned out)
- Carbon brushes worn out
Motor does not start or fails.
- Damaged or defective wiring
- Defective or loose magnet on top of armature
- Damage to Armature or field coil
- Damaged or defective carbon brushes
Guiding takes a great deal of effort
- Slide Adjustment screws have been overtightened
- Dirt in height adjustment gear/rack assembly
- Insufficient lubrication to slide
Insufficient magnetic force
- Damaged or defective wiring
- Bottom of magnet not clean and dry
- Bottom of magnet not flat
- Work piece is not bare metal
- Work piece is not clean or flat
- Work piece is less than 10 mm (too thin)
- Defective magnet
Fuse blows when magnet switch is
turned on
- Damaged or defective wiring
- Wrong value fuse
- Defective magnet switch
- Defective Control Unit
- Defective magnet
Fuse blows when motor is started
- Damaged or defective wiring
- Wrong value fuse
- Defective Armature and / or Field
- Carbon brushes worn out