7. User's operations manual
Please read this manual as well as that of the system controller. Detailed information concerning the
controller setup are to be found in the controller's manual.
7.1. Launch of the boiler operation
Load adequate amount of fuel in the container.
The boiler will start the ignition process once the controller is activated. The process includes
several tasks that conclude with ignition of the fuel in the burner. Then the boiler will switch to
automatic operation. If the ignition process fails (the exhaust temperature does not rise high
enough) three consecutive attempts of ignition will be taken. If the third attempt fails the controller
will display an alarm. This may happen when setup or fuel are not correct. Contact the service if it
7.2. Boiler's operation
After the boiler switched from the ignition mode to the operation mode, the amount of fuel fed in
and the fan air flow are set. This is why it offers high efficiency within the entire range of output.
Report all disturbances to the service immediately quoting the messages from the display.
Adjust the setup only when you are certain about its meaning and how it will affect the boiler's
operation. Record all alterations in order to facilitate restoration of a previous setup. This will help
the service and call centre consultation. A special notebook has been supplied for this purpose.
The boiler doses the fuel in regular intervals. The feeding cycle and the length of a
dose are factory set for the nominal, medium and lowest output. However, lower quality fuel
may require adjustments to these parameters. The reasons may be the following: the boiler
does not switch to the preservation mode or floods the burner with excessive amount of
pellets. Consult the controller's manual before adjustment of these parameters. Check quality
of the pellets before adjustments of the setup. In particular, check moisture, hardness and
dust content soaking a sample in water.
Factory temperature setup offers proper operation of the system. However,
Instrukcja Smart Fire
wer. 07/05/2010/ENG