- 76 - Security Unlock [F2h]
This command requests a transfer of a single sector of data from the host. The following table defines the
content of this sector of information.
Word Contents
0 Control
Bit 15-1 Reserved
Bit 0
0 = Compare user password
1 = Compare master password
1-16 Password(32bytes)
17-255 Reserved
If the Identifier bit is set to master and the device is in high security level, then the password supplied shall
be compared with the stored master password. If the device is in maximum security level then the unlock
shall be rejected.
If the Identifier bit is set to user then the device compares the supplied password with the stored user
If the password compare fails then the device returns an abort error to the host and decrements the unlock
counter. This counter is initially set to five and is decrement for each password mismatch when Security
Unlock command is issued and the device is locked. When this counter reaches zero then Security Unlock
and Security Erase Unit commands are aborted until a power-on reset or a hard reset. Security Unlock
command issued when the device is unlocked have no effect on the unlock counter.
Device returns Aborted command error if the device is in Frozen mode.