BookSense XT – User Manual
6.2 Playing a Document File
To read a document file, you need to switch to the Document Reader. When you get into the
Document Reader, you”ll see the document lists, which contain the DOCUMENTS folder.
Please refer to section 2.4 Navigating through Files and Folders. Use the navigation buttons
to move to the file that you want to read and press the PLAY or OK button. If you want to
open a different file, then you need to press the CANCEL button. This will stop the current
reading and return you to the document lists. To move to the new file, press the PLAY or OK
button to read the file. Also, you can read a file that you have read recently using the menu.
Please refer to section 6.21.1 Recent Documents.
Note: If you press the CANCEL button for more than 2 seconds while closing the document
file, it will ask you “Do you want to erase the current position? Press OK for “Yes”, press
CANCLE for “No.” If you press the OK button, the BookSense XT does not remember the
last position and exit the document file. If you press the Cancel button, it remembers the last
position and exit the document file.
6.3 Pause
If you press the PLAY button while reading the file, it stops reading. Press the PLAY button
again and it will resume playing.
6.4 Changing the Unit to Move By
Press the UP or DOWN button to toggle the unit to move by between page, paragraph
(default), line, sentence, word, character, phonetic, mark, and search word. To move by
mode, press the LEFT or RIGHT button while the file is playing or paused.
Note: When moving by page or paragraph, you can navigate to a page or paragraph by
pressing the LEFT or RIGHT button, but the reading will not stop.
Note: If you move by other modes, such as sentence mode, pressing the LEFT or RIGHT
button will stop reading after the next sentence. It will continue to read when you press the
PLAY button.
Note: If you read html file which includes heading tag, for instance level 1 through 3, then
level 1, level 2, and level 3 is spoken as a unit to move by when you press the UP or DOWN
button to change the unit to move by. Select the level that you want to move to by pressing
the UP or DOWN button. Then if you press the LEFT or RIGHT button, you is taken to the
previous or next level.