BookSense XT – User Manual
3) Highlight mark: you will move to the start point of the highlight mark. Then it starts
playing the interval of highlight mark and pause. Every time you press the OK button, it
keeps reading the interval that you have selected. To press the PLAY button, it starts
playing the end of the highlight mark.
Note: If you press the CANCEL button while playing the interval, it will move to the end of
the highlight mark and play.
4.11 Section Repetition
Section repetition allows you to play a specific part of an audio file as many times as you
wish. This can be useful when learning a new language, and you need to hear the same
information in a file over and over again. To set the section you want to have repeated, follow
these steps:
1) While playing, press the RECORD button at the point where you want to start the
2) You will hear ‘set start point” and the file will keep playing.
3) Press the RECORD button at the point where you want to end the section.
4) You will hear ‘set end point” and the end point of the section is set.
Section repetition repeats the portion of the audio you have just set using the steps above.
For more information on playback of the file, please refer to section 4.23.2 Playback
To stop the playback of the section, press the PLAY button. Section repetition only works
within one file. If you set the start point but not the end point, the section repetition is
4.12 Marks
You can insert a mark, voice memo, or highlight mark into an audio file to be able to return to
that point in the file quickly. If a mark, voice memo, or highlight mark already exists, then it is
possible to move to the mark as well as delete the mark. Once a mark has been inserted,
the mark is stored.
You must toggle between mark, voice memo, or highlight mark, depending on which one you
want to use. The following buttons are used to perform these functions.
Number 1: Set mark, voice memo, or highlight mark. The default is set mark.
Number 2: Move to mark, voice memo, or highlight mark.
Number 3: Delete a specific mark, voice memo, or highlight mark. Press and hold
down for more than 2 seconds to delete all the marks in the file.