5-i nch High Speed Dome User Ma nual
© Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
programmed by menu and displayed on the monitor.
Limit Stops
The speed dome can be programmed to move within the limit stops (left/right, up/down) which are
configurable by the control keyboard, DVR or client application software.
Preset Freeze Frame
This feature freezes the scene on the monitor when going to a preset. This allows for smooth
transition from one preset scene to another and also guarantees that masked area will not be
revealed when going to a preset.
Each of the user-definable presets can be programmed to use pan, tilt, camera settings and other
settings. When preset is called, the speed dome will automatically move to the defined position.
User is allowed to add, modify, delete and call each preset.
The high speed dome provides up to 8 patrols. In each patrol, user is allowed to specify the scanning
track by a group of user-defined presets, with the scanning speed between two presets and the
dwell time at the preset separately programmable.
A pattern is a memorized, repeating series of pan, tilt, zoom, and preset functions that can be
recalled with a command from a controller or automatically by a configured function (alarm, park,
time task, or power-up). By default the focus and iris are in auto status during the preset is being
Privacy Mask
The privacy mask allows a user to program user-defined areas that cannot be viewed by the
operator of the dome system. A masked area will move with pan and tilt functions and
automatically adjust in size as the lens zooms telephoto and wide.
Proportional Pan
Proportional pan automatically reduces or increases the pan and tilt speeds in proportion to the
amount of zoom. At telephoto zoom settings, the pan and tilt speeds will be slower for a given
amount of joystick deflection than at wide zoom settings. This keeps the image from moving too fast
on the monitor when there is a large amount of zoom.
Power-off Memory
This feature allows the speed dome to resume its previous position or status after power is restored.
By default setting, the speed dome supports the power-off memory capability with the dwell time
of 3 minutes.
Password protection
It’s a function to prevent unauthorized changes to the dome settings.
RS-485 Failure Diagnostics
In the presence of failure at the transmitting and receiving terminals of RS-485 communications, the
speed dome is capable of performing self-test and detecting the fault results which will be displayed
on the screen.
Soft Baud Rate
The baud rate of the speed dome can be configured by the menu without need of DIP switch