5-i nch High Speed Dome User Ma nual
© Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
3D Intelligent Positioning
The speed dome can be controlled with the 2 buttons and scroll of mouse can be used under
PRIVATE-Code protocols with devices and client software. Click on a certain area and the device will
move to the scene with corresponding point as the center. When a rectangular area is selected by
left-clicking the mouse, device will move to its center and enlarge it. With right-clicking, the lens will
zoom in, and the scroll can easily make the lens zooming, and mouse operation automatically
incorporates zooming effect.
Auto Scan
The speed dome provides 5 scanning modes: pan scanning, tilt scanning, frame scanning, random
scanning and panorama scanning. The scanning speed can be set by OSD menu from level 1 to 40,
with the corresponding speed ranging from 1°/second to 40°/second.
Auto Flip
In manual tracking mode, when a target object goes directly beneath the speed dome, the speed
dome will automatically rotate 180 degrees in horizontal direction to maintain continuity of
Auto Focus
The auto focus enables the camera to focus automatically to maintain clear video images.
Alarm Response Action
The speed dome supports 7 alarm inputs which can be set to NO or NC. Upon having received the
alarm input signal, the speed dome will automatically activate a user-defined action, which can be
programmed to: preset 1-8, pattern 1-4, patrol 1-8, pan scan, tilt scan, random scan, frame scan,
panoramic scan, color/B&W mode or none. After the alarm is cleared, the speed dome is capable of
resuming its previous activity or position.
AUX Output
An auxiliary output is a configurable signal from the speed dome back box that can trigger another
device to operate. The speed dome provides two auxiliary outputs: AUX1 andAUX2. The auxiliary
output type can be set to NO (normally open) or NC (normally closed) by menu. And the alarm
dwell time is configurable as well.
Camera Title
Title text is the label used to identify the camera viewed on the monitor. Up to 15 characters can be
used for a title
Exposure Compensation
Exposure compensation is a function for adjusting the situations including unusual lighting
distribution, variations, non-standard processing, or other conditions of underexposure or
overexposure to get an optimum image.
Keyboard Control
The pan/tilt movement and zoom actions of the speed dome can be controlled by the control
keyboard, DVR, matrix, etc.
Label Display
The on-screen label of the preset title, azimuth/elevation, zoom and other operations can be