FM 3180 Installation Guide
1 stop bit
No Parity
Establishing a Management Network Connection using an IPV6 Link-Local Address
For an IPV6 link-local connection, you SSH into the fabric module through the network that is connected
to the fabric module’s management port. The IP address of the fabric module is determined by its MAC
address, which you can convert into a link-local address using any of the available online tools.
The fabric module MAC address is located either on the label attached to the top of the fabric module or
on a pull tab located under the management panel on the back (power side) of the fabric module.
The IPV6 link-local syntax is as follows:
username@ipv6-a percent sign (%) + interface-id
Destination fabric module address
Source output interface ID
ssh admin@fe80::216:eaff:fe5f:4cad%e
Powering Up FM 3180
When you connect one or both power supplies and provide site power to the fabric module, it
automatically powers up. There is no power switch.
Configuring the Fabric Module
The HPE Composable Fabric module is shipped configured to use DHCP. If you are installing the fabric
module in an environment that uses DHCP and the DHCP server has been configured as needed, the fabric
module is ready to communicate with HPE Composable Fabric Manager. After the link is established, use the
HPE Composable Fabric Manager UI to configure the fabric module (see the
HPE Composable Fabric
Manager 5.0 Online Help
If you are using static IP addresses or are having issues communicating with HPE Composable Fabric
Manager, see the "Initial Fabric Module Setup" section in the document:
HPE Composable Fabric Module 5.0
Administrator Guide using Linux and CLI
. After you complete the static IP configuration, use the HPE
Composable Fabric Manager UI to configure the fabric module (see the
HPE Composable Fabric Manager
5.0 Online Help
Connecting the Composable Fabric
Design the Composable Fabric and install transceivers and cables as described in the following chapters:
4 Creating the Composable Fabric
Creating a Composable Fabric Using FM 1006 Passive Interconnect Modules
Creating a Direct Connect Composable Fabric
Installing Transceivers and Cables
Powering Down FM 3180
Disconnect power to both power supplies to power the fabric module Off. Note that there are two power
supplies which should be connected to separate site power sources for redundancy.