FM 3180 Installation Guide
Part Numbers
FM 3180 is available with two AC power supplies. The power supplies can be ordered to exhaust out the
back or front panel.
FM 3180 is available with hot-swappable fans that either exhaust out the back (power) panel (red) or out
the front (I/O) panel (blue).
Part #
FM 3180
HPE Composable Fabric FM 3180 8-port QSFP28 and 48-port
10/25GbE Front-to-Back Module (red tabs)
HPE Composable Fabric FM 3180 8-port QSFP28 and 48-port
10/25GbE Back-to-Front Module (blue tabs)
Cables and Transceivers
For supported cables and transceivers, including part numbers, refer to the following document:
HPE Composable Fabric Support Matrix
Record the MAC Address
Record the fabric module MAC address. The MAC address is on a label on top of the fabric module. You
will need the MAC address for fabric module setup.
Installation Considerations
Keep the following considerations in mind when installing and cabling fabric modules.
Verify that power cords easily reach from the power outlets to the fabric module power supply modules.
Ensure that appropriate grounding and current surge protection are in place before connecting the fabric
module to a power source.
All input connections must be accessible (not blocked) at all times.
Note that single power supplies and fan modules can be hot-swapped with power connected. Also,
I/O cables can be plugged and unplugged with the fabric module power connected and the fabric
module powered up.
Invasive fabric module servicing requiring that the case be opened, must be accomplished by
qualified HPE support personnel. In this case, all power must be disconnected before servicing the
fabric module.
Working with Optical Cables
Avoid excessive bending which can damage optical cables.
Verify that ample clearance exists to allow unrestricted cabling.