Investor’s notes
Fitter’s notes
Investor’s name and surname:
Fitter’s name and surname:
Company name:
Contact phone no.:
Company address:
E-mail address:
NIP [Taxpayer Identification No.]:
If the unit is mounted by a physical person, the system with heat
pump can be made by Investor only.
Purchase date:
Heat pump serial number:
Fitting date:
*Purchase date must be confirmed by a copy of proof of purchase.
Equipment prices may be covered.
Personal data will be used only for warranty-related purposes for the purchased equipment, and will be handled by authorised persons employed at HEWALEX Sp.
z o.o. [Ltd.] Sp. komandytowa [Limited Partnership], seated in Czechowice-Dziedzice, ul.Słowackiego 33, Poland. The whole personal information acquired is
protected and used according to the terms specified in the following acts: of August 29, 1997, on personal data protection (O.J. (Poland) of 2002 No. 101, item 926
with amendments), of July 18, 2002 on provision of electronic services (O.J. (Poland) No. 144, item 1204 with amendments), and in Regulation issued by the
Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on April 29, 2004 on the documentation of personal data processing, and technical and organisational conditions,
which should be met by computer equipment and systems used for personal data processing (O.J. (Poland) No. 100, item 1024). Your personal information is kept in
adequately secured data base, not accessible for unauthorised persons.
I have read guarantee terms and conditions and
checklist and I consent to my personal data
processing only for warranty-related purposes:
I assume responsibility for actual state of the
installation according to the checklist, and consent to
my personal data processing only for the purposes
related to installed equipment warranty:
Investor’s signature:
Fitter’s signature:
The checklist should be prepared in 3 sheets when the Investor takes over the system. Its copies should be sent to:
1. Investor
2. Fitter
3. HEWALEX with a copy of equipment proof of purchase (the list to be sent by
the installation Investor)
False information given in the checklist will result in
immediate rejection of any complaint.
We also urge to sending photos of the installation.
Guarantee is valid since equipment purchase date. Guarantee requires sending the checklist not later than 30 days after fitting date (however
not later than 90 days from purchase date) to the following address: HEWALEX Sp. z o.o. Sp. komandytowa, ul.Słowackiego 33, 43-502
Czechowice-Dziedzice, Poland, with a note: GWARANCJA PCWU [PCWU GUARANTEE] 2.5kW, or after registering at
and filling the form.