When making soy milk, oat milk, almond milk:
Homemade soy milk can taste quite beany. Try to remove some of the skin.
The simplest way is to add your pre-soaked beans into a bowl of warm water and rub
the beans between your hands. Swirl the water so that the skins float to the top and
can easily be skimmed off.
You could add a drop of vanilla essence to help disguise the beany taste during the
cooking process. Vanilla essence can be added to flavour other milk drinks.
A nut milk bag (not included) can be used as a very fine filter when straining
homemade milks.
Pre--made flavoured liquid stock allows for an easy way to add stock to a soup
When called for, add liquid stock up to the 1400ml mark on the pitcher when making
a recipe which use a hot blending function.
Those programs are Soy Milk, Boiled food, Soup, Keep warm, Clean, Baby food and
Corn juice.
Cold blending: Do not fill the pitcher higher than 1750 ml
Hot blending: Do not fill the pitcher higher than 1400 ml
The lid must be added to the pitcher and locked into the correct position before use.
2/3 cup of soybeans, soaked in water overnight
750 ml water
Rinse beans in water and then place in a bowl of water.
Rub between your hands to remove skins.
Rinse thoroughly.
Place the drained beans and water to the pitcher, put the lid on and lock to the
correct position, select the Soy milk program.
At the end of the program, place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl. Line the strainer
with a cloth such as a cheese cloth and pour the soy milk into the strainer to remove
the soy pulp. A spoon can be used to stir and press the soy pulp, so it speeds up the
process and allows the milk to drain thoroughly.
Allow to cool to room temperature, then transfer to airtight bottles/containers.
It can be stored in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.