Publication 5419-013 REV1.0
Sets or displays the rate for the current direction (infuse or
withdraw) for the specified axis. It can be used in place of
“IRATE” if the current direction for the given axis is Infuse or
“WRATE” if the current direction is Withdraw. Quick Start mode
only. The rate argument may be replaced with “max” or “min”
to set the rate to the maximum or minimum rate, respectively.
“lim” may be used to display the range limits.
Command format (Independent Condition):
rate<sp>{a|b|ab}<sp>[max|min|lim|<rate><sp>{rate units}]
Query response:
<lf>[<addr>]<axis> # xl/xxx
(displays one line per requested axis)
or (if “lim” argument is used):
<lf>[<addr>]<axis> # xl/xxx to # xl/xxx
(displays one line per requested axis)
Command format (Reciprocating or Twin Condition):
rate[<sp>max|min|lim|<rate><sp>{rate units}]
Query response:
<lf>[<addr>]# xl/xxx
or (if “lim” argument is used):
<lf>[<addr>]# xl/xxx to # xl/xxx
Pump Chain Commands
Sets or displays the target infusion rates for ramping for the
current direction for the specified axis. It can be used in place
of “ITRATE” if the current direction for the given axis is Infuse or
“WTRATE” if the current direction is Withdraw. The rate argument
may be replaced with “max” or “min” to set the maximum or
minimum rate, respectively. “lim” may be used to display the
range limits.
Command format (Independent Condition):
trate<sp>{a|b|ab}[<sp>max|min|lim|<rate><sp>{rate units}]
Query response:
<lf>[<addr>]<axis> # xl/xxx(displays one line per requested axis)
or (if “lim” argument is used):
<lf>[<addr>]<axis> # xl/xxx to # xl/xxx (displays one line per
requested axis)
Example 1 (Independent Condition):
Query response:
<lf>[<addr>]A: # xl/xxx to # xl/xxx
<lf>[<addr>]B: # xl/xxx to # xl/xxx
Example 2 (Independent Condition):
Query response:
Example 3 (Independent Condition):
Query response:
<lf>[<addr>]A: 10 ml/min
<lf>[<addr>]B: 10 ml/min
Command format (Reciprocating or Twin Condition):
trate[<sp>max|min|lim|<rate><sp>{rate units}]