Fuse replacement in HP 3010 tractor junction box
A quick acting fuse located on the HP 3010 tractor junction box pro-
tects the system.
Fuse (HARDI ref. no. 261617) 4.0 Amp Ø 6, 5 x 32 F. Quick acting
Coaxial cables and short circuits
To check a cable:
1. Remove the cable shroud and inspect for cuts. There must be no
cuts in the cable.
2. With an ohmmeter, check there is no circuit between the inner wire
and the outer shield.
3. Whilst twisting the cable at the BNC fittings with the ohmmeter still
connected, check there is no circuit.
If the cable short circuits, remove the BNC fitting and refit a new one. If
this is not possible, replace the whole cable.
Fine tuning the flow constant - PPU
Calibration of the flowmeter is carried out with clean water but small
changes may occur when adding pesticides or fertiliser. This will effect
the final readings. This is typically noted when the volume displayed on
the display does not equal the actual known volume that was sprayed
out. The below formula can be used to “fine tune” the flowmeter PPU.
New PPU =
Original PPU x Displayed Volume
Sprayed Volume
For example, the spray tank is filled with 2400 litre of spray liquid.
When sprayed out, the display showed a total of 2300 litre. (Original
PPU = 120.0)
New PPU = 120.0 (Original PPU) x 2300 (Displayed Volume) = 115.0
2400 (Sprayed Volume)
Note the relation is inverse:
• To raise the displayed volume, the PPU is lowered.
• To lower the displayed volume, the PPU is raised.