150 ℃
External contact
signal SV2 : ON
External contact
signal SV3 : ON
100 ℃
50 ℃
Function 5 : External contact input
This function is used to select one of the set values (SV1, SV2, SV3) by the external contact input
signal and it is used as the step control.
External contact input should be "ON" to use this function.
20 ㎃
Output signal
12 ㎃
4 ㎃
Output limit (%)
Setting range
Low limit
High limit
-5 %
50 %
105 %
Function 6 : Output limit
This function is used to set the high limit and low limit as the operating range of the control output.
The output limit (the high limit and low limit) can be set -5 ~ 105 % of the output amount.
Function 7 : Heater break alarm
① This function detects heater break and immediately turns the alarm on.
② Please use the current transformer (CT) designed by Hanyoung NUX.
③ The electric current value and alarm operating point (hysteresis) are set in “HBA group”.
④ This function cannot be used if phase control method (SCR output) is used by thyristor.
Note: If you want to use HBA, please set parameter in HBA group(G.HbA) referring to alarm type and codes.
The dead band of PID control for Heating / Cooling is shown as below.
<PID control for Heating / Cooling: Dead band of “+” set value>
Output of heating
Output of cooling
Output (%)
100 %
0 %
100 %
0 %
If both heating and cooling are controlled by ON/OFF control,
the dead band (hysteresis) is shown as below.
<ON/OFF control for heating/cooling>
Heating-side output
Cooling-side output
Function 8 : Heating / Cooling control
In Heating / Cooling control, it divides the PID computation result into two control signals and outputs
to heating and cooling output terminals. The control method for each heating and cooling can be
selected either PID control or ON/OFF control. Also, it is possible to choose one of the control outputs:
relay output, SSR, and current output as the heating output and cooling output.
Also, the dead band of “-” set value and the dead band of PID control for both heating and
cooling are shown as below. At this time, there is an overlapped output from the both terminals.
<PID control for Heating / Cooling: Dead band of “-” set value>
Output of heating
Output of cooling
Output (%)
100 %
0 %
100 %
0 %
Function 10 : Alarm hold function
If alarm hold function is not set up, low alarm is active when temperature is rising with power ON.
If you select alarm hold function, there is no limit alarm ON during the temperature rise, until set-point.
Note : If you want to use the alarm hold function, please set proper parameter referring to alarm group(G.ALM).
Function 4 : Ramp function
Ramp function Type: A
Select A in Ramp function type (rMP.t) parameters of control group(G.CtL)
The ramp refers to the gradient that reaches the set value (SV), and the setting
method is as follows:
1. Set the desired ramp temperature values in ramp-up and ramp-down temperature settings
2. Set the desired ramp hours or minutes in ramp-time unit setting.
As a result, the gradient of the ramp-up temperature set value / ramp time unit set
value (or ramp-down temperature set value / ramp time unit value) will reach the set
value (SV) from the current temperature.
Ramp function Type : B
Select B in Ramp function type(rMP.t) of control group(G.CtL)
This is similar function with Ramp function type A. except that type B sets time in detail,
Current temperature 20 ℃
When select ON in Zone of control group(G.CtL) and set the location of temperature in n.rP
of PID group(G.PID), that distinguishes Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3.
Function 2 : PID auto-tuning in Zone
Within the input range, 3 different PID groups can be applied to each of the 3 zones. Since some
systems have a wide range of temperature to control and the optimal P.I.D values are different for
their temperature ranges, this function can be used to apply different optimal PID values to their
temperature ranges.
Max input range
Min input range
Zone 3 (PID 3)
Zone 2 (PID 2)
Zone 1 (PID 1)
Time (t)
Function 3 : 2 degree of freedom PID
In order to get better response against disturbance in the steady state, there is usually
a large overshoot in the transient state. To reduce this overshoot in the transient state, 2
degrees of freedom PID control is used while obtaining good disturbance response in
the steady state. The parameter “ALPA” is used to control the amount of overshoot.
Select 2-DOF in control mode(Ctr.M) of control group(G.CtL)
If ALPA = 0%, it's same with previous PID control.
If ALPA = 100%, it may takes long to reach normal state.
100 %
ALPA : 0 %
Step response
Function 9 : Output during emergency
When there is A/D Error or input break (Burn-out), it stops the PID control and outputs the preset
value. ( parameter in output group)