Hanlong Technology Co., Ltd Unicorn 60x0 User Manual Page 16 of 25
Firmware Last Updated 8/2010
SIP Registration
This parameter controls whether the Unicorn 600x needs
to send REGISTER messages to the proxy server. The
default setting is “Yes”.
Unregister on Reboot
Default is “No.” If set to “Yes”, then the SIP user will be
unregistered on reboot.
Register Expiration
This parameter allows the user to specify the time frequency
(in minutes) the Unicorn 600x refreshes its registration with
the specified registrar. The default interval is 60 minutes (or
1 hour). The maximum interval is 65535 minutes (about 45
Outgoing call without
Default is No. If set to “Yes,” user can place outgoing calls
even when not registered (if allowed by ITSP) but is unable
to receive incoming calls.even when not registered (if
allowed by ITSP) but is unable to receive incoming calls.
Local SIP port
This parameter defines the local SIP port the Unicorn 600x
will listen and transmit. The default value for FXS port 1 is
5060. The default value for FXS 2 port is 5062.
Local RTP port
This parameter defines the local RTP-RTCP port pair the
Unicorn 600x will listen and transmit. It is the base RTP port
for channel 0. When configured, channel 0 will use this port
_value for RTP and the por1 for its RTCP; channel
1 will use por2 for RTP and por3 for its
RTCP. The default value for FXS port 1 is 5004. The default
value for FXS 2 port is 5008.
Use Random Port
This parameter, when set to
, will force random
generation of both the local SIP and RTP ports. This is
usually necessary when multiple Unicorn 600x are behind
the same NAT.
Refer-To Use Target
Default is
. If set to
, then for Attended Transfer, the
“Refer-To” header uses the transferred target’s Contact
header information.
DTMF Payload Type
This parameter sets the payload type for DTMF using
DTMF in Audio
This parameter specifies the mechanism to transmit DTMF
digit in audio which means DTMF is combined in audio
signal(not very reliable with low-bit-rate codec),
Default is
DTMF via RFC2833
This parameter specifies the mechanism to transmit DTMF
digit via RTP (RFC2833).
This parameter specifies the mechanism to transmit DTMF
digit via SIP INFO.
Default is