DAD 141.1 Technical Manual, Rev. 2.5 – April 2015
Page 53 of 54
12. Calibration and Calibration Sequence
The calibration of DAD 141.1 is only possible after starting a calibration sequence (compare with chapter 10.2).
Command CE:
Calibration enable
– returns the current TAC value
Command CM:
Calibrate maximum display
– sets the max. allowable display value
Command CI:
Calibrate minimum
– sets the minimum allowable display value
Command DS:
Display step size
– sets the output incremental step size
Command DP:
Decimal point
– sets the position of the output decimal point
Command CZ:
Calibrate zero
– sets the system zero point
Command CG:
Calibrate gain
– sets the system gain
Command ZT:
Zero track enable / disable
Command ZR:
If applicable: Zero Range
– sets the zero range manually
Command ZI:
If applicable: Initial Zero Range
Command FD :
If applicable: Reset to factory default settings
Command CS :
Save calibration data (TAC counter automatically incremented by 1)
Preparing the calibration:
Check, if the max value of the display is set sufficiently high (see chapter 10.2, command CM)
Check, if the no motion conditions are defined reasonable (chapter 10.3, e.g. NR = 1, NT = 1000)
Set the IIR filter frequency to 0.5 Hz (see chapter 10.4, FM = 0, FL = 7)
Setup of zero point, system gain and decimal point
The chosen calibration weight has the value 5000 (increments). That could be 500 g, 5 kg or 5000 kg. We
calibrate with 500 g. The decimal point is set up by command DPx (x = 1, 2 or 3), here 1 figure after the
decimal point. A measured weight of 500 g is displayed as 500.0.
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (DAD 141.1) responds
E+000017 (example)
Request: TAC counter CE17
Adjust zero: The scale has to be empty. No load!
CE 17
Calibration sequence active
System zero point saved
Adjust gain: First put the calibration weight on the scale (here 500 g)!
CE 17
Calibration sequence active
CG 5000
Setting span
Request: span 5000 d
CE 17
Calibration sequence active
DP 1
Setting: decimal point 0000.0
CE 17
Calibration sequence active
Save calibration data in EEPROM
Zero point, gain and decimal point position were saved in the EEPROM; the calibration counter (TAC) is
increased automatically by 1.