Document #101-0086
The GL-ACW-P has a number of programmable options that can be used by the parking lot owner to
customize the operation of the machine. These programmable options give the car wash owner the
ability to:
Set the desired prices
Program custom messages
Program the amount of credit given for token coins and/or Hamilton Tokenotes®
The following is a description of all of the programmable options, in the order they will be encountered
in the PROGRAMMING MODE. For information on how to program these options, refer to the PRO-
GRAMMING section.
Token Coin Mode
There are two choices for the TOKEN COIN MODE, MULTIPLE CREDITS and SINGLE CREDIT.
MULTIPLE CREDITS allows the customer to insert as many token coins as necessary to pay for the
selected rate. The SINGLE CREDIT MODE, limits the customer to receiving credit for only one token
coin per transaction. SINGLE CREDIT MODE is often used when token coins are distributed as a
promotion to get customers to choose your lot for reduced parking rates. By only accepting one credit
per customer, the customer will not be able to accumulate the promotional token coins and receive free
parking. In this mode, you will still be collecting some revenue on every car parked.
Token Coin Value
This category is used to program the amount of credit given when a token coin is accepted by the GL-
ACW-P. The value can be anything from $0.00 to $63.75 programmable in $0.25 increments.
Tokenote® Mode
There are two choices for the TOKENOTE® MODE, MULTIPLE CREDITS and SINGLE CREDIT
MODE. MULTIPLE CREDITS allows the customer to insert as many Tokenotes® as necessary to pay
for tparking. The SINGLE CREDIT MODE, on the other hand, limits the customer to receiving credit
for only one Tokenote® per transaction. SINGLE CREDIT MODE is often used when Tokenotes® are
distributed as a promotion to get customers to choose your lot for reduced parking rates. By only
accepting one credit per customer, the customer will not be able to accumulate the promotional
Tokenotes® and receive a free wash. In this mode, you will still be collecting some revenue on every
car parked.
Tokenote® Value
This category is used to program the amount of credit given when the validator accepts a Tokenote®
trained without a Training Coupon. The value can be anything from $0.00 to $63.75 programmable in
$0.25 increments.
Coupon Discounts
This category is used to program the amount of credit given when a Tokenote, trained with one of four
Training Coupons (Coupon #1 – 4), is accepted by the validator. Each coupon can have a separate
value for each of the four washes that range from $0.00 to $63.75 programmable in $0.25 increments.