Subject to change without notice
The only ways to quit this status are:
Switching the oscilloscope off,
transmitting the command
RM= 0 from the PC to the oscilloscope, or
depressing the AUTOSET ( LOCAL ) pushbutton,
if in unlocked condition (command LK=1... was not sent)
After the remote state has been switched off the RM -LED (3) is
Please note:
A minimum time must elapse between the commands
RM=1... (remote on) and RM=0... (remote off) and vice
versa. The time can be calculated with the formula:
tmin = 2x(1/baud rate) + 60µs.
If at the beginning no SPACE CR command is recognizable, the
oscilloscope pulls the TxD line low for approx. 0.2ms and causes
a break on the PC.
Data Communication
After successfully being set to remote control mode, the
oscilloscope is prepared for command reception.
RS-232 Interface