Citytrac 4200
Citymaster 1200
Service Documents
For internal use only
March 2009
67 of 108
Setting/Controlling the output current
1. Connect the coding plug for enabling the "side brush spreading mode".
2. Disconnect one of the two cables from the magnet's "MAG" terminal on the control card.
3. Connect the ammeter with a measuring range of 500 – 2500 mA between the "MAG" terminal
and the cable to the coil.
Measure the Amp. current in series
4. Switch on the machine ignition, move the throttle to its work mode position.
5. Switch the potentiometer on via the latching point and set to Minimum.
6. Set the minimum current (min)
780 mA,
with the trimming potentiometer, which corresponds to
5 l/min
7. Set the potentiometer to Maximum.
8. Set the maximum current (max)
1060 mA
with the trimming potentiometer, which corresponds to
20 l/min
(The magnet current must not exceed 2500 mA because A1 and the coil Y5 could be damaged.)
9. Check the two current values set
10. Disconnect the measuring devices and complete the machine.
---- Do not forget to disconnect the service plug 01144380 ----