Chapter 11, Troubleshooting
Cell Saver
User Manual
P/N 120745-IE, Manual revision: AA
Final Cycle
The reservoir has emptied and the procedure has ended. Please select a processing behavior
for the last bowl.
Corrective Action:
Partial Bowl Wash -
The system enters the Wash phase according to the Partial Bowl Wash
parameter as defined in the protocol settings. After the preset wash volume, the system
empties the bowl and purges the blue line before marking the procedure complete.
- The system concentrates the RBCs in the bowl by transferring washed RBCs
from the RBC bag until it detects a full bowl. It then executes a wash cycle, empties the bowl to
the product line, and purges the blue line before marking the procedure complete.
End Procedure
- Since the fluid in the bowl is not washed, the system returns the bowl
contents to the red line and purges the blue line before marking the procedure complete.
Purging Red Line
The device has detected the bowl is full of unwashed cells. The bowl contents are being purged
to the reservoir. Purging will complete when air is detected from the bowl.
Corrective Action:
Wait for purging to complete.
Operator Action Required
The bag line clamps must be set to continue Sequestration.
Corrective Action:
1. Set the bag line clamps as follows:
•OPEN the white air line clamp.
•CLOSE the blue PRP line clamp.
•CLOSE the yellow PPP line clamp.
2. Agitate the blood bag.
3. Touch
to fill the bowl.
Table 16, Event Messages
ID #
Event Message Text