Installation Manual
H3C SecPath F100-A Firewall
Chapter 5 Software Maintenance
Step 2: Add the username and password.
[VPNGateway] local-user VPNGateway
VPNGateway is the username.
Step 3: Add the password.
[VPNGateway-luser-vpngateway] password simple 123
Step 4: Add the service type and specify the FTP directory.
[VPNGateway-luser-vpngateway] service-type ftp ftp-directory flash:
Step 5: Add an authority level.
[VPNGateway-luser-vpngateway] level 3
Step 6: Enable the FTP server.
[VPNGateway] ftp-server enable
After the above operation, the FTP server is enabled on the firewall, and a user is set.
Then, any FTP client program can access FTP server using this user name and
III. Uploading/downloading application, configuration files and uploading Boot
ROM program
Step 1: Enter the path of the files or applications in DOS window, perform FTP
command, and create the FTP connection to the firewall, for example:
If the connection is set up, the system displays the following message (taking
Windows98 as an example):
Connected to
220 FTP server ready on SecPath Gateway at
Step 2: Access FTP server using the configured user name and password.
User( SecPath Gateway
331 Password required for ftp
230 User ftp logged in
At the prompt of ftp>, you can upload or download files.
Step 3: Upload/download applications, configuration files, or upload Boot ROM