Installation Manual
H3C SecPath F100-A Firewall
Chapter 5 Software Maintenance
Downloading application program from serial ...
Please choose your download speed:
1: 9600 bps
2: 19200 bps
3: 38400 bps
4: 57600 bps
5: 115200 bps
6: Exit to Main Menu
Enter your choice(1-6):
Step 2: Select an appropriate downloading speed (for example, 115200 bps by entering
Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the terminal's speed to 115200 bps, and
select XModem protocol. Press ENTER key when ready.
Step 3: Change your terminals baud rate (see Figure 4-4) to the same baud rate for
software downloading (115200 bps in this example). After that, disconnect the terminal
([Dial-in/Disconnect]), reconnect it ([Dial-in/Dialing]), and press <Enter> to start
downloading. Then the system displays:
Downloading ... CCCCC
The new baud rate takes effect only after you disconnect and reconnect the terminal
emulation program.
Step 4: Select [Transmit/Send File] in the HyperTerminal window. The following dialog
box pops up:
Figure 5-1
Send File dialog box
Step 5: Click <Browse>, select the application file to be downloaded, set protocol to
XModem, and click <Send>.The following interface pops up: