EMC Professional NET
EMC Professional NET
2.4 Alignment of the active antenna
Local issues may have influ-
ences on the received quality
of the signal. Barriers like re-
inforced concrete buildings or
mountains may weaken the sig-
nal, the electromagnetic fields of
screens or motors may disturb
the signal, too.
EMC Prof NET (19“)
was de-
veloped in aspect to be used in
an electro-magnetic disturbed
environment. With its active an-
tenna and optimized electronic,
EMC Prof NET (19“)
offers a
good receiving even in such
To obtain a good receiving, please attend to the following hints:
Do not place the antenna near by or directly on metallic,
or conductive objects.
Place the antenna near by a window. If neccessary it
is possible to mount the antenna outsides, in this case
make sure, that there is an adequate lightning proctec-
Do not place the antenna parallel to telephon/network or
power cables.
Change the direction and the position of the antenna
until you get a good receive quality (See figure 5).
Since the time signal moves cir-
cular from the sender in frankfurt/
Mainflingen, you will get the best
receive if you place the antenna
tangential to these circles.
Figure 5 Alignment of the active