Gas Sensing Solutions Ltd.
Revision 1.2, 29 March 2021
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This evaluation board is designed to provide a fast and easy start for evaluation of the GSS CozIR®-
Blink-N sensor. The CozIR®-Blink-N sensor is designed to be power cycled and pre-programmed to
take one reading per power cycle. This means that power to the sensor must be removed and re-
applied before the sensor will take another reading. Power cycling can be done using the evaluation
board software, or manually.
The evaluation board brings several interfaces and interconnections shown in Figure 1.
The CozIR®-Blink-N Evaluation Board is designed to allow the user to evaluate all the hardware and
software functions of the sensor.
This manual provides information about the board’s
interconnections, jumper settings, communications, and debug interfaces.
The sensor can be controlled by a PC application via the USB interface, or standalone and controlled
externally via connections to the sensor on the evaluation board.
The sensor and other supporting electronics can be evaluated using a PC software application. This
provides the user with a graphical user interface to all the main functions of the sensor, as well as a
terminal mode, allowing the user to write and read data directly from the sensor registers.
As well as evaluating the CO
sensor, the software application allows the user to monitor and store
other environmental conditions such as pressure, relative humidity, and temperature.
The evaluation board also has the capability to measure the current consumption of the sensor in
any of its operating modes, allowing the use to accurately assess real world power use over time.
Alternatively, the sensor can be completely separated from all the other electronics on the
evaluation board and controlled directly by the user via edge connectors. All data, control and
status pins of the sensor can be connected to connectors, J3, J4 and J5. Power is provided via a
separate edge power connector (J2), via USB (J1), or directly via header (J5).
For more technical information on the sensor, download the appropriate data sheet from here: