Stay Clear of Hoisted Equipment
• Always use proper lifting or hoisting equipment when assem-
bling or disassembling equipment
• Do not walk or stand under hoisted equipment.
• Always use sturdy and stable supports when needed for
installation. Not following these safety precautions creates
the risk of falling equipment, which can crush personnel and
cause serious injury or death.
Confined Space Hazards and Entry Procedures
• Note that the interior of this equipment is considered a con-
fined space. Maintenance of this equipment can require
access to the confined space.
• Access doors must be shut and locked except when access
is required.
• Doors giving access to dangerous equipment must be safety
• The following entry procedures must be followed:
— Be aware of all possible hazards present inside the con-
fined space and wear personal protective equipment
(PPE) as needed.
— Complete a permit to work and follow all permit required
confined space entry procedures defined by the site
— Make sure that the area has been purged of any hazard-
ous products or gases. Check the atmosphere for harm-
ful gases or vapors with a suitable gas analyzer and
make sure levels are safe before entering.
— Do not smoke or use naked flames.
— Lock out and tag out power supplies and fuel supplies to
all equipment.
— Do not work alone. Work in teams of at least three so
that help is immediately available in the event of an
— Confirm that all personnel have safely exited the equip-
ment and tools have been recovered once work is
Grain Bin Eave Towers (30' - 48' Bins)