General Information
Topics Covered in this Chapter
Important Notes on Use of Grain Bin Eave Towers
Important Notes on Use of Grain Bin Eave Towers
1. Grain bin eave towers should be mounted only on specific special gauge stiffener columns. It is
necessary to obtain the specific gauge sheet from GSI/AGCO Grain for the bin to which the eave
tower is installed. Use the gauge sheet to confirm the locations and placement of the special
columns. The grain bin eave towers should be installed only on those stiffener columns.
2. The owner or project manager or other responsible party must properly coordinate the construction
of the special bin stiffener columns and grain bin eave towers. Proper orientation must be
determined by the system planner for the site layout and provide instructions based on the required
orientation for the site construction documents.
3. The maximum axial load on the grain bin eave tower for the 20K versions is 40000 lbs. with each
column supporting up to a maximum of 20000 lbs. The maximum axial load for the 10K versions is
20000 lbs. with each column supporting up to a maximum of 10000 lbs. The system planner or other
parties are responsible for determining and making sure that the maximum load is not exceeded.
4. The grain bin eave towers are intended to support only vertical loads and the lateral loads are
5. The system planner must incorporate the adequate allowance for the movement in the overall
system such as bin settlements, shrinkage and expansion after filling the bin or other related
movements so that the improper loads are not applied to the grain bin and grain bin eave towers.
6. Additional stiffener anchor provisions may be required depending on the uplift load induced by the
towers being attached. Confirm with the bin manufacturer if the uplift loads to the bin are acceptable.
7. The system planner or other responsible parties must plan for any additional loads applied on the
foundation by the addition of eave towers and provide the information of such loads to the foundation
design engineer.
8. The owner or system planner or other responsible parties must ensure the grain bin eave tower
installed is designed to accept the applied loading and compatible with the system attached to the
9. Make sure adequate measures for stability during construction and lifting of the bin as planned.
10.Additional tieback members are required for tower configurations with a single knee brace. The
tieback members will need to be checked by a qualified structural engineer to ensure they have
sufficient strength and stiffness to prevent excessive deflection of the eave tower.
11.It is required that the applied load onto the eave tower is split evenly to both catwalk diagonal
members at the support locations.
Grain Bin Eave Towers (30' - 48' Bins)