GENO-mat FE-Z Deferrisation System
Order no. 025 153 940-inter Edited by: nkes-mrie G:\BA-153940-INTER_025_GENO-MAT_FE-Z.DOC
B Basic information
Laws, regulations, standards
In the interest of good health, rules cannot be ignored when it comes
to the processing of drinking water. This operation manual takes into
consideration the current regulations and stipulates information that
you will need for the safe operation of your deferrisation system.
Among other things, the regulations stipulate that
only approved companies are permitted to make major modifica-
tions to water supply facilities.
and that tests, inspections and maintenance on installed devices
are to be performed at regular intervals.
2 | Intended use/field of application
The GENO-mat
FE-Z deferrisation systems are used for the oxida-
tion of dissolved iron in the raw water. The systems are used for pri-
vate water supply plants up to maximum values of 3.0 mg/l of iron. If
the systems are applied and operated according to the instructions,
pure water values with a concentration of less than 0.1 mg/l of iron
can be obtained.
The following requirements must be observed in order to obtain op-
timum results:
Hydrogen sulphide and oil may not be detected in the water to be
Organic compounds should preferably not be contained in the
water; however, the maximum allowable value is 4 to 5 mg/l
above the COD.
The oxygen concentration should be proportionally 15 % of the
existing iron concentration and the pH value must be higher than
However, should ammonium (> 0.1 mg/l) be detected in the raw
water, an additional treatment step is required.
Should humic acids be contained in the well water, the pure wa-
ter quality to be expected might be affected.