D. R epla cing the Fuses
To avoi d elec trical shock or arc blast, or personal injur y or damage to the Meter , use specif ied f uses
ON L Y i n accorda nc e wit h the followi ng proce dure .
To repl ace the Meter’ s fuse:
15. Press the
to turn the Meter off and remove all connections fro m the ter minals.
16. Re move the screw fro m th e battery comp art ment , and sep arate the batte ry co mp artment from the case botto m.
17. Re move the 2 rubb er fe et and 2 scr ews from the c ase botto m, and separat e the c ase top fro m the cas e botto m.
18. Re move the fuse by g ently prying on e end loose , and then tak e out the fuse from its br ack et.
19. Install ONLY replace ment fuses with the identical type and specific ation as follows and mak e sure the fus e is fi xed
firmly in the b ra cket.
Fuse 1: 0.5A , 250 V, fast type Gl ass fus e, Ø 5 x 20 mm.
Fuse 2: 10A, 250 V, fast type Glass fuse , Ø 5 x 20 mm.
20. Rejoin the battery co mpart ment and the c ase top, and reinstall the sc rew .
21. Rejoin the c ase botto m and cas e top, and reinstall the 2 scr ews and 2 rubber feet.
Repla ce ment o f the fuses is seldom r equired . Burning o f a fuse always results fro m i mprop er op er ation..
Rubber foot
Scr ew
Содержание DM-60 A
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