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Warning – To a void el ect ric sho ck or perso nal injur y, rea d the “Saf et y Informa tion” and “Rules f or
Saf e Operatio n” car ef ully bef ore using the Me ter .
Digital Multi mete r
Mo del DM60A
(he re after re ferred to as “ the Meter ”) h as autorange and manu al range options with
ma xi mu m re ading 3999. Th e enclosure structur e design adopt ed advan ced “ co-injection” technique in orde r to provide
suffi cient insulation.
In addition to the conventional measu ring functions, it is equipped with a RS232C standard serial port for easy
connection with co mputer to r ealiz e ma cro r eading and monitoring and c apture of transient dyna mic data , displaying
change o f wave fo r m during the measu rement, providing data and eviden ce to enginee ring technici ans for s cienti fic
rese arch . This is also a highly applied digital multi meter o f good pe r for manc e with full ove rload p rotection.
Содержание DM-60 A
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