1. No Power or Lites When Unit is turned on
breaker in the wiring circuitry. Make sure the breaker is turned on and there are fuses
located at each of the transformers in the Control Panel.
2. Power is on but no fog is produced:
Verify that the water valves are open.
Verify that the digital controller
lite value (target humidity set point) than the red, process value lite (actual
humidity level being read by the sensor). If the red value is above your target
then the required humidity levels have been satisfie
the humidifier to operate. To verify that the system is properly working
temporarily raise the set point to a higher value and make sure that the
humidifier comes on.
Verify that the air flow switch has closed after properly
moving in the duct.
Check the Wet Switch and verify that the green LED on the switch is lit. If it is
red that means that moisture was sensed by the switch and there is a leak
that must be fixed.
3. Water is not filling into the Tank:
Verify that the RO System is on line, i.e. the water valve is open and the
water filter housings have filled up and the unit is draining water as it makes
RO Water.
Make sure the shut off v
then pressurize the system.
Verify that you have at least 30
do not then a small booster pump may be required to supply adequate
Check the temperature of the incoming water supply. If it is real cold, near or
below 40F, then the RO s
Check the pre-filters and make sure they are not clogged and filled with dirt
and debris. It is not uncommon
water initially as the domestic water supplies come on line. This dirt and
suspended solids can sometimes prematurely clog the filters. If this is the
case call the factory for replacement filters.
4. Verifying that the Unit is Humidifying:
Keep track of the Panel mounted controller readings to see if the humidity is
No Power or Lites When Unit is turned on: There are fuses and an overall circuit
circuitry. Make sure the breaker is turned on and there are fuses
located at each of the transformers in the Control Panel.
Power is on but no fog is produced:
Verify that the water valves are open.
Verify that the digital controller, if the Humidifier has one, has a higher green
lite value (target humidity set point) than the red, process value lite (actual
humidity level being read by the sensor). If the red value is above your target
then the required humidity levels have been satisfied and there is no need for
the humidifier to operate. To verify that the system is properly working
temporarily raise the set point to a higher value and make sure that the
comes on.
Verify that the air flow switch has closed after properly sensing that air is
moving in the duct. Verify that the HiLimit switch circuit is closed.
Check the Wet Switch and verify that the green LED on the switch is lit. If it is
red that means that moisture was sensed by the switch and there is a leak
t must be fixed.
Water is not filling into the Tank:
Verify that the RO System is on line, i.e. the water valve is open and the
water filter housings have filled up and the unit is draining water as it makes
Make sure the shut off valve on top of the water tank is open. This will fill and
then pressurize the system.
Verify that you have at least 30 - 35PSI of water pressure to work with. If you
do not then a small booster pump may be required to supply adequate
eck the temperature of the incoming water supply. If it is real cold, near or
below 40F, then the RO system may not make sufficient water.
filters and make sure they are not clogged and filled with dirt
and debris. It is not uncommon with new construction sites to have very dirty
water initially as the domestic water supplies come on line. This dirt and
suspended solids can sometimes prematurely clog the filters. If this is the
case call the factory for replacement filters.
rifying that the Unit is Humidifying:
Keep track of the Panel mounted controller readings to see if the humidity is
: There are fuses and an overall circuit
circuitry. Make sure the breaker is turned on and there are fuses
has a higher green
lite value (target humidity set point) than the red, process value lite (actual
humidity level being read by the sensor). If the red value is above your target
d and there is no need for
the humidifier to operate. To verify that the system is properly working
temporarily raise the set point to a higher value and make sure that the
sensing that air is
Verify that the HiLimit switch circuit is closed.
Check the Wet Switch and verify that the green LED on the switch is lit. If it is
red that means that moisture was sensed by the switch and there is a leak
Verify that the RO System is on line, i.e. the water valve is open and the
water filter housings have filled up and the unit is draining water as it makes
alve on top of the water tank is open. This will fill and
35PSI of water pressure to work with. If you
do not then a small booster pump may be required to supply adequate
eck the temperature of the incoming water supply. If it is real cold, near or
not make sufficient water.
filters and make sure they are not clogged and filled with dirt
with new construction sites to have very dirty
water initially as the domestic water supplies come on line. This dirt and
suspended solids can sometimes prematurely clog the filters. If this is the
Keep track of the Panel mounted controller readings to see if the humidity is