is completely mechanical and will only open and pass water to drain when the
pressures are not equalized between the domestic water supply and the
humidifier supply lines. If there are any questions or issues plea
Factory Representative.
III) Accessories:
A. If the system was provided with a controlling humidity sensor then install it
and wire it from the Generator panel at the appropriately labeled locations on
the terminals. Refer to the Wiring
landing locations and line sizes.
not required.
B. Do the same as the above with both the High Limit humidistat and the Air
Flow switch if provided. Terminal locations are
Diagram provided with your Unit.
C. If a BAS signal is being provided then connect it to the proper terminal
locations in the Generator as labeled in the Wiring Diagram provided with the
Unit. In this case a separate 24VAC signal is required to turn on the
is completely mechanical and will only open and pass water to drain when the
pressures are not equalized between the domestic water supply and the
humidifier supply lines. If there are any questions or issues plea
Factory Representative.
If the system was provided with a controlling humidity sensor then install it
and wire it from the Generator panel at the appropriately labeled locations on
the terminals. Refer to the Wiring Diagram provided with your unit for proper
landing locations and line sizes. Shielded control wire is recommended but
Do the same as the above with both the High Limit humidistat and the Air
Flow switch if provided. Terminal locations are again labeled in the Wiring
Diagram provided with your Unit.
locate AFS before any
S signal is being provided then connect it to the proper terminal
locations in the Generator as labeled in the Wiring Diagram provided with the
In this case a separate 24VAC signal is required to turn on the
is completely mechanical and will only open and pass water to drain when the
pressures are not equalized between the domestic water supply and the
humidifier supply lines. If there are any questions or issues please contact your
If the system was provided with a controlling humidity sensor then install it
and wire it from the Generator panel at the appropriately labeled locations on
provided with your unit for proper
ded control wire is recommended but
Do the same as the above with both the High Limit humidistat and the Air
again labeled in the Wiring
locate AFS before any zone
S signal is being provided then connect it to the proper terminal
locations in the Generator as labeled in the Wiring Diagram provided with the
In this case a separate 24VAC signal is required to turn on the