Important Safety Precaution............................................2
Introduction ......................................................................2
Precautions .......................................................................2
Decisions You Must Make................................................3
Engine Selection ..........................................................3
Required Accessories ..................................................3
Building Supplies and Tools .........................................3
Optional Supplies and Tools ........................................3
General Inspection.......................................................4
IMAA Information .........................................................4
Metric Conversions ......................................................4
Parts List ......................................................................5
Wing Assembly.................................................................6
Join the Two Wing Halves............................................6
Mount the Wing to the Fuselage ..................................7
Tail Assembly....................................................................7
Install the Stabilizer and Vertical Fin ............................7
Install the Rudder, Elevators and Ailerons ...................8
Install The Main Landing Gear ......................................10
Engine Installation..........................................................11
Radio Installation............................................................12
Install the Throttle, Elevator and Rudder Servos .......12
Install the Aileron Servos ...........................................14
Install The Cowl ..............................................................15
Adding Details To Your SpaceWalker ARF ...................16
Set The Control Throws .................................................17
Balance Your Model .......................................................18
Balance The Model Laterally .........................................18
Preflight ...........................................................................18
Charge the Batteries ..................................................18
Balance the Propeller.................................................18
Find a Safe Place to Fly.............................................19
Ground Check the Model ...........................................19
Range Check Your Radio...........................................19
Engine Safety Precautions.........................................19
AMA Safety Code (excerpt) ...........................................20
General ......................................................................20
Radio Control .............................................................20
Flying ...............................................................................20
Takeoff .......................................................................20
Flight ..........................................................................20
Landing ......................................................................21
Engine Mount Template .................................................21
Building Notes........................................23 & Back Cover
Your SpaceWalker ARF is not a toy, but rather a
sophisticated, working model that functions very much like
a full size airplane. Because of its realistic performance, the
SpaceWalker ARF, if not assembled and operated correctly,
could possibly cause injury to yourself or spectators and
damage property.
To make your R/C modeling experience totally enjoyable,
we recommend that you get experienced, knowledgeable
help from an instructor with assembly and during your first
flights. You’ll learn faster and avoid risking your model
before you’re truly ready to solo. Your local hobby shop has
information about flying clubs in your area whose
membership includes qualified instructors.
You can also contact the national Academy of Model
Aeronautics (AMA), which has more than 2,500 chartered
clubs across the country. Through any one of them,
instructor training programs and insured newcomer training
are available. Contact the AMA at the address or toll-free
phone number below:
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302-9252
Tele. (800) 435-9262
Fax (765) 741-0057
Or via the internet at:
If you have been looking for a way to
them at the
field without a lot of work, you have just found it. The Great
Planes SpaceWalker ARF is a balsa, built-up, semi-scale,
1/4 scale airplane that assembles in only a few hours and
is easy on the budget. It does not require any special
building or flying skills. With its thick airfoil and light wing
loading, the SpaceWalker is great for a day of relaxed
flying. What more can we say? Impress your flying buddies
and maximize your fun for minimal cost and time!
The Great Planes SpaceWalker ARF combines the design
expertise and high quality standards of all Great Planes kits
with state-of-the-art ARF technology - for craftsmanship and
performance superior to all other pre-built models.
this is not a beginner’s airplane!
While the
SpaceWalker ARF is easy to assemble, we must discourage
you from selecting this kit as your first R/C airplane. It is
highly maneuverable, and lacks the self-recovery
characteristics of a good
basic trainer
such as the Great
Series airplanes. On the other hand, if you are
confident with your flying skills and can safely handle
aileron airplanes, the SpaceWalker ARF is an excellent choice.
1. You must assemble the model according to the instructions.
Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in
an unsafe or unflyable model. In a few cases the
instructions may differ slightly from the photos. In those
instances the written instructions should be considered
as correct.
2. Take time to build straight, true and strong.